Let the Culinary experiments begin

Our Principle: You can always get the best out of whatever you do, when you enjoy doing it !!
Our Vision: Try and add as many food delicacies as possible to our little collection here to help our readers add spice to their life.

Yeah I really love what I do !!  Cooking is one of my favourite pass time.  I love being creative with my food & I love cooking for my Husband !!! And he loves my home cooked food !!!

We love sweets, chocolate puddings, traditional recipes...The list goes on... We don’t prefer hotel food now a day. We always wanted to try out the dishes we love in our own ways.  I like to explore a lot through various cooking styles and Cooking has really become one of my favourite spare-time recreational pursuit, ever since I started taking up it seriously.. But , i would like to add , most of the dishes in my blog are my moms signature dishes.I got this taste for cooking from my mom who is great in this . I get a lot of ideas from my sister too. I selet the recipies i feel good from the net,cookery books, cookery shows, other food blogs  etc  and try it out in my own ways ....
I dedicate this blog to all those out there who want to enjoy life, by being creative in their own ways and those who like to enjoy the little niceties of life with their family.

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