Pineapple Mousse

The pineapple mousse is a very  tasty pudding. There is no egg in this recipe. Addition of Lemon gives a special taste with milkmaid . It is a medium sweet recipe.

  1. Fresh Pineapple Chopped  -  1  1/2 Cup  /   ( Canned Pineapple - 1 tin )
  2. Condensed Milk  - 1/2 tin
  3. Ordinary Milk- 1/4 Cup
  4. Lemon Juice - 3 tsp
  5. Powdered Sugar  - 1 tbsp
  6. Gelatin - 2tsp
  7. Pineapple syrup
  8. Pineapple essence - 5 drops
 How to Cook
1: Take a bowl and mix the pineapple with 1/2 cup  water and 3 tbsp sugar , Keep aside for  5 to 6 hours. 
2: After 6 hours, add 1/4 cup water and cook the pineapple for 20 minutes on  low flame.
3: Keep aside for cooling.
4: Strain the mixture to  separate the pineapple syrup from pineapple pieces.

5: Grind the pineapple pieces just for 1 round and keep it aside.
6: Mix the gelatin with half cup water in a small bowl. Keep the bowl with gelatin in another bowl with water. Cook over low heat, stirring continuously, till it dissolves.

Gelatin Dissolved
 7:In a bowl, beat the condensed milk till light and creamy.
8:Mix the condensed milk with 1/4 Cup milk.

 9:In another bowl, mix the lemon juice with half a cup of pineapple syrup from the tin. 
 10:Add  semi grinded  pineapple and the pineapple syrup mixed with lemon to the condensed milk.
 11:Pour the gelatin solution into the condensed milk mixture stirring continuously.
12:Freeze the mixture for half an hour . 
13:After half an hour , add pineapple essence and sugar powder. Again mix it well.( You can mix using mixie as well )
14:Pour into a serving dish and freeze for 4 hours or till set. 

15 Your yummy pineapple mossie is ready.Serve Chilled.

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