Lychee (Litchi )Pudding

  1. Lychees ( Canned lychees  )- 15 Nos
  2. Lychee syrup- 6 tbsp
  3. Milkmaid- 1 tin
  4. Milk- 2 cups
  5. Water- 1 to 1 1/2  cups
  6. China grass- 15 grams
  7. Sugar - 6 tbsp
How to Cook:
  1. Soak the china grass with the 1 / 1/2 cup water and keep this aside.
  2. Grind 10 lychees to a puree form and keep this aside.
  3. Chop the 5 lychees . Keep this aside.
  4. Mix the lychee puree , chopped lychees with lychee syrup.
  5. Double boil the Chinagrass till it fully dissolves.
  6. Boil the milk.When the milk come to boil add the milkmaid and stir for 20 minutes till it start to thicken.
  7. Mix the chinagrass solution and milk- milkmiad mixture. Make sure you mix it when both the milk milkmaid mixture and chinagrass solution are hot.Let it cool.
  8. After 20 minutes , when it is cool , add the lychee solution. keep it aside for half an hour. 
  9. After half an hour , it will start to thicken.
  10. Garnish with lychees
  11. Refrigerate it for 3 hours.

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